Survivors of the V2K Telegram Group and Other Similar Groups, Will Be Making Police Reports against their Perpetrators Today

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) will be accompanying a group of 5 women to the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) Headquarters in Bukit Aman. These women are the survivors of the V2K Telegram group and other similar groups who have been misusing the survivor’s pictures and distributing their personal information amongst themselves. These young women are taking action today (5th October) at 11 am by lodging police reports against the perpetrators of these groups.

The V2K group has close to 40,000 male members, made up of university students, rich businessmen and many others. AWAM has come to find out these groups are also being used as a transaction hub for paid nudes, child pornography, hidden camera footage (CCTV), and even lifetime subscriptions to pornographic material.

The V2K group alone has broken laws on criminal intimidation, sexual harassment, data privacy, the sharing of lewd content, and potentially, laws on sexual abuse of children.

AWAM hopes the subsequent actions taken by PDRM and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be swift and thorough as we intend to see ALL the perpetrators in these groups receive the necessary redress for their actions and to see justice being served.

Issued by:

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)

5th October 2020