Once again, NUTP, Please Take Sexual Harassment In Schools Seriously
24 SEPTEMBER 2021 All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) and the Centre for Governance and Political Studies (Cent-GPS) would like to address comments made by the Secretary-General of National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Wang Heng Suan, on the survey on the experiences and perceptions of 1056 18-to-30-year-old female respondents. Firstly, contrary to the survey […]
Penganiayaan berterusan terhadap Nur Sajat menandakan peningkatan ekstremisme yang semakin membimbangkan di Malaysia
24 SEPTEMBER 2021 Kami, kumpulan masyarakat sivil, memandang serius perkembangan kes Nur Sajat. Pada 8 September 2021, Nur Sajat ditahan oleh Jabatan Imigresen Thailand berikutan permintaan pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Perkembangan berbahaya ini di sebalik pembatasan kebebasan beragama yang semakin meningkat dan peningkatan sentimen anti-LGBTQ, mempunyai kesan yang luas kepada semua orang, bukan sahaja kepada Sajat […]
The Continuous Persecution of Nur Sajat Underscores Growing Extremism in Malaysia
23 SEPTEMBER 2021 We, members of civil society, are deeply concerned about the developments surrounding Nur Sajat’s case. On 8 September 2021, Nur Sajat was arrested by the Thai Immigration Department following a request by the Malaysian authorities. These dangerous developments, taking place against the backdrop of growing restriction of freedom of religion and increasing […]
JAG: Yes, we need the Sexual Harassment Bill
17 SEPTEMBER 2021 Malaysia needs the Sexual Harassment Bill. Why? Firstly, sexual harassment is harmful to individuals and society. Secondly, sexual harassment is prevalent in Malaysia. Thirdly, existing laws – including employment laws – are inadequate to address sexual harassment. Lastly, there is widespread support in Malaysia for a sexual harassment law. Sexual harassment is […]
Urging the Malaysian Government To Not Appeal Against High Court Ruling on Citizenship Conferment By Malaysian Mothers
13 SEPTEMBER 2021 We, the undersigned Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and individuals, applaud the landmark decision by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on September 9, 2021, that affirmed Malaysian women’s right to confer citizenship automatically on their children born overseas on an equal basis with Malaysian men. The Court ruled that Article 14(1)(b) of the […]
Kerajaan Baru Wajib Mengutamakan Wanita, Kanak-Kanak dan Komuniti Rentan
20 OGOS 2021 Peletakan jawatan Perdana Menteri dan pembubaran Kabinet telah meletakkan Malaysia dalam keadaan yang tidak menentu. Gerak kerja untuk memperbaiki landskap hak asasi manusia dan bantuan kepada golongan rentan telah terhenti akibat daripada kekacauan politik dan telah menghambat kemajuan yang dilakukan setelah beberapa dekad. Di tengah-tengah ketidaktentuan politik, peningkatan kes Covid-19, dan ekonomi […]
New Government Must Prioritise Women, Children and Vulnerable Communities
20 AUGUST 2021 The resignation of the Prime Minister and dissolution of Cabinet has placed Malaysia in a precarious position. Ongoing work to improve the current human rights landscape and aid for the most vulnerable has been stalled by this political maneuvering, hampering any progress made over several decades. Amidst this great political uncertainty, rising […]
Lindungi Pelajar, Bentang Rang Undang-Undang Gangguan Seksual
20 OGOS 2021 Pertubuhan Pertolongan Wanita (WAO) menggesa agar kerajaan membentangkan Rang Undang-Undang Gangguan Seksual dan membentuk satu kerangka bagi melindungi pelajar dari gangguan dan perilaku pemangsa. Kami meminta agar Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM), Datuk Seri Rina Harun dan Menteri Pendidikan, Datuk Dr. Mohd Radzi Jidin untuk memandang serius pengalaman yang dilalui […]
Protect our students, table the Sexual Harassment Bill
21 JUNE 2021 Women’s Aid Organisation urgently demands the government to table the Sexual Harassment Bill and to create a framework to protect students from harassment and predatory behaviour. We call on the Minister for Women, Family and Community Development Datuk Seri Rina Harun and Minister of Education, Datuk Dr. Mohd Radzi Jidin to take […]
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