Memorandum of Understanding between Paralympic Council of Malaysia (PCM) and All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)

The Paralympic Council of Malaysia (PCM) and the All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) have signed a memorandum of understanding as strategic partners in addressing issues of gender-based violence (GBV) such as sexual harassment, rape, and workplace discrimination among those in the PCM.

The details of the event were as follows:-

Date: 9th September 2020 

Venue: Bilik Kuliah 2, Tingkat 1, Pusat Kecemerlangan Sukan Paralimpik, Kampung Pandan 

Time: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm

This initiative is taken to protect and ensure the safety of all parties involved in the Malaysian sports movement including athletes, coaches, team managers, technical officers, association administrators, and other parties involved, regardless of gender. PCM and AWAM agree that issues such as sexual harassment are very important to discuss openly even though it is a relatively sensitive topic, especially people with disabilities (OKU). AWAM has monitored media reports from 1st July to 7th August 2020 and has obtained statistics showing that a total of 81 people have been victims of GBV. AWAM’s own Telenita Helpline has received a total of 178 cases of GBV from the start of MCO to the current RMCO, which is in the span of 5 months. Out of the 178 cases, 34 were cases of sexual harassment. In comparison to the statistics obtained from our Telenita Helpline between the years 2017-2019 which showed only 58 reported cases of Sexual Harassment, the latest numbers show that reported cases are on the increase.

This initiative between the abovementioned two parties is also a timely one, in light of the possibility of the Sexual Harassment Bill to be tabled in Parliament in November 2020 this year.

Various activities such as awareness seminars and training workshops will be held to ensure that there is learning on this issue right down to the grassroots. Education and understanding of the spectrum of sexual harassment need to be conveyed so that those who experience this immoral act can come forward for justice.

The responsible parties need to take the reported cases seriously. Standard operating procedures should be provided in all organizations to ensure that there is no oppression or injustice. PCM and AWAM hope that the Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS), Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN), Institut Sukan Negara (ISN) and other sports bodies will all support and mobilize efforts to fight GBV. By providing a transparent, safe and moral landscape, this effort can also indirectly promote the empowerment agenda of women and people with disabilities in sports.


Issued by:

Paralympic Council of Malaysia (PCM)

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)


9th September 2020