Speaking to 100 Girls on Sexual Harassment
Date: 29 September 2019 Talk by Lochna Menon (Assisted by Tasha Prabha and Christabel Mary) Event: National Women’s Empowerment Camp One bright Sunday morning, AWAM gave a 1-hour talk on Sexual Harassment to a hundred girls from various states – most notably from Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and Sabah. These girls were flown down to attend […]
Informed Consent Must be the Standard for Healthcare
The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) would like to respond to Deputy Health Minister, Dr. Lee Boon Chye’s statement that when conducting physical examinations on their patients, doctors are not required to seek consent before touching them. Dr Lee, whose quote appeared in the article titled ‘Consent not needed, unless check-up involves sensitive […]
Letter to the Editor: A Bill For Justice, Not Justification
(Based on this news report: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/486122) The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) condemns the statement made by PKR senator Mohd Imran Abd Hamid, proposing the enactment of sexual harassment law to protect men from being seduced into committing crimes such as rape. First of all, this statement was made in response to the Sexual […]
ADUN Kampung Tunku Donates RM10,000 to Tabung Kaunseling AWAM
[STATEMENT] ADUN Kg. Tunku Donates RM10,000 to Tabung Kaunseling AWAM Sexually assaulted in the LRT stations, sexually harassed at work by co-workers or bosses, receiving threatening text messages from ex-lovers, physically abused at home by spouses, parents and/or siblings, wanting a divorce but not sure how to proceed, needing a lawyer but unable to afford […]
Attitude Towards Sexual Harassment May Be Enabling Perpetrators
[STATEMENT] Attitude Towards Sexual Harassment May Be Enabling Perpetrators The government enforcement agencies, especially the police, must maintain proper attitude, respect and sensitivity when dealing with victims of sexual harassment. Over the last week, AWAM (All Women’s Action Society) had identified a few women who had approached the police separately to file a sexual harassment […]
Dress Code or the Sexual Harassment Code?
Dress Code or the Sexual Harassment Code? An open letter to MPPUUM (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia) with regards to the guidelines aimed at women on how to dress in order to avoid sexual harassment published on their Facebook page (the post was deleted yesterday). Dear MPPUUM, Thank you for attempting to address the […]
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