No More Violence in Schools
27 NOVEMBER 2021 We have come a long way since our analysis of 275 testimonies of abuse in schools, compiled with the help of Nalisa Alia Amin and Terry Die Heiden from 16 to 26 April 2021. To ensure that key government stakeholders prioritise this issue, we analysed another 770 testimonies, this time compiled by […]
AWAM Supports Family Frontiers: Are Malaysian Mothers With Overseas-born Children Not A Part Of #KeluargaMalaysia?
9 DECEMBER 2021 On 9 September 2021, the High Court confirmed Malaysian mothers’ equal right to automatically confer citizenship to their overseas-born children (‘the High Court decision’). Every single day it is not implemented is another day Malaysian mothers and their children are denied their fundamental human rights in their own motherland. They wonder where […]
What true Keluarga Malaysia means and looks like for our children
20 NOVEMBER 2021 World Children’s Day, celebrated on Nov 20 each year, is aimed at a better future for every child. Our Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob recently gave a public address on the issue. We, as child advocates, would like to offer a response and highlight the key areas where we need to support […]
Surat Kepada YAB Perdana Menteri Sempena Hari Kanak-Kanak Sedunia
19 NOVEMBER 2021 YAB Perdana Menteri yang dihormati, Sangat sukar untuk kami meraikan Hari Kanak-kanak Sedunia dengan penuh kegembiraan. Di AWAM, setiap bulan kami akan membaca, mengumpul dan menyusun artikel di media berkaitan kes rogol kanak-kanak di bawah umur atau ‘statutory rape’. Kes-kes ini melibatkan kanak-kanak yang berusia semuda tujuh tahun. Ia sentiasa menjadi satu […]
Open Letter to the Prime Minister on World Children’s Day
19 NOVEMBER 2021 Dear Mr. Prime Minister, As much as we would like to celebrate this World Children’s Day with joy, it is difficult for us to do so. Every month in AWAM, we read and compile articles in the media on statutory rape cases. The cases involve children as young as 7 years old. […]
Clearer Directives on Addressing Period Spot Checks and Long-Term Sexual Harassment Prevention Efforts Needed
10 NOVEMBER 2021 The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) applauds the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) issuance of the circular prohibiting the practice of physical period spot checks in educational institutions under its jurisdiction, as part of its commitment to ensure that this violation “does not continue to happen”. However, there is a need for clearer […]
Sabah Government Should Investigate Claims on Sexual Harassment and Misappropriation of Funds at Sabah Wildlife Rescue Unit
21 OCTOBER 2021 We, the undersigned Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and individuals are highly concerned by the allegations of sexual and monetary misconduct happening at a government department, and demand an immediate response from the relevant authorities regarding this matter. On 19 October 2021, a senior executive of the Sabah Wildlife Department’s Wildlife Rescue Unit […]
Bring Back the Spirit of IPCMC by the 2005 Royal Commission
13 SEPTEMBER 2021 The Malaysian Civil Society objects to the Independent Police Conduct Commission (IPCC) introduced by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, which will be tabled again for the second reading in the upcoming Parliament session. We believe that the proposed IPCC has strayed from the original spirit of an oversight body proposed by the […]
Once again, NUTP, Please Take Sexual Harassment In Schools Seriously
24 SEPTEMBER 2021 All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) and the Centre for Governance and Political Studies (Cent-GPS) would like to address comments made by the Secretary-General of National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Wang Heng Suan, on the survey on the experiences and perceptions of 1056 18-to-30-year-old female respondents. Firstly, contrary to the survey […]
Penganiayaan berterusan terhadap Nur Sajat menandakan peningkatan ekstremisme yang semakin membimbangkan di Malaysia
24 SEPTEMBER 2021 Kami, kumpulan masyarakat sivil, memandang serius perkembangan kes Nur Sajat. Pada 8 September 2021, Nur Sajat ditahan oleh Jabatan Imigresen Thailand berikutan permintaan pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Perkembangan berbahaya ini di sebalik pembatasan kebebasan beragama yang semakin meningkat dan peningkatan sentimen anti-LGBTQ, mempunyai kesan yang luas kepada semua orang, bukan sahaja kepada Sajat […]
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