Online Sexual Harassment on the Rise During MCO
On Saturday, Bandar Utama ADUN Jamaliah Jamaluddin and Kampung Tunku ADUN YB Lim Yi Wei had lodged a police report after receiving racist, sexist threats and violent threats of rape and murder via Facebook. The social media user articulating these threats perceived them both as ‘Cina DAP’. This is only one of many incidents of […]
Stand Together and Address Sexual Harassment, Especially During the MCO
Three incidences of sexual harassment in the space of five days. From April 19 till April 23,2020, the All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) has received two cases of sexual harassment. The first case is directly related to Movement Control Order (MCO) mechanisms, where several women being quarantined in a facility were alleged targets for sexual harassment […]
Period Poverty Aid during the MCO
Despite the swift response by NGOs, followed closely by the government through the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional to support those in need of aid during the MCO, some essential items do not make the list. The sanitary napkin is the marginalized essential item of the Movement Control Order (MCO). Ironically, as the public is constantly reminded […]
Addressing Sexual Harassment During the MCO
The Movement Control Order (MCO), which is aimed to reduce and restrict the spread of COVID-19, has also highlighted several issues – one of which has been the increase in sexist language over social media especially – but also much recently, a case of sexual harassment has been brought to our attention, allegedly involving the […]
Stop Promoting Sexist Messages; Women are Not Doraemon
AWAW finds the #WanitaCegahCOVID19 posters titled ‘Kebahagiaan Rumahtangga’ issued by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) are problematic because of the visual content and its sexist messaging. The hashtag campaign clearly puts the responsibility of preventing the spread of the virus on women – girls, daughters, mothers, and wives, but also apparently […]
Let’s Continue Our Agenda Of Reform And Progress, Especially With Women’s Rights
Gender equality is sadly not apparent in the new cabinet. The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) is disappointed that no real attempt was made to improve women’s participation in decision making in parliament. The number of women in the cabinet, five full ministers and four deputy ministers, has not increased. With the overall number of […]
Open Avenues for Justice; NFA is Unacceptable
The Attorney-General Tommy Thomas’s decision to defend the ‘No Further Action’ (NFA) order with regards to the case where a minor was allegedly sexually assaulted by three older students at a tahfiz school in Ipoh is utterly shocking and unacceptable. The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) stands firmly with SUHAKAM’s Child Commissioner Datuk Noor Aziah […]
Prioritize the Lives of Girls; End Child Marriage
The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) strongly urges Deputy Prime Minister, who is also Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Ismail to pursue a zero-tolerance stance to child marriage in Malaysia. Regardless of the lack of cooperation in this issue from the Islamic legislative councils in seven states i.e. Sarawak, […]
National Steering Council on Domestic Violence #1
Date: 28 November 2019 Attended by Purani Mogan I attended “Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Menangani Keganasan Rumah Tangga” in KPWKM. This committee is comprised of 16 government agency and 4 NGOs and AWAM will be one of the permanent member of the committee together with WCC, NCWO and WAO. MOH, PDRM, JKM, Jabatan Pembangunan Wanita and WAO […]
Working with Vulnerable Groups
Date: 14 November 2019 Today, AWAM took a little trip down to PPR Lembah Subang 2 to establish contact with communities on the ground. We aim to work with vulnerable groups in tackling domestic violence and rape. While domestic violence and rape can happen to anyone, the poor and underprivileged usually lack knowledge, resources and […]
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