AWAM’S WEEKLY WRAP-UP! (22nd August 2020 – 28th August 2020)
A conversation with Member of Parlimen (MP) of Muar, Syed Saddiq bin Syed Abdul Rahman regarding the Sexual Harassment Bill Saturday, 22nd August 2020 AWAM worked with ABIM on Sexual Harassment Awareness, Redress & Prevention. We aim to reach out to the Malay grassroots community, because everyone must be safe from SH. The […]
Hanna Aisya Noorazman
Hanna Aisya has been involved with feminism and human rights since she was in her undergraduate. She has written a few research on women’s rights and she aims to raise awareness on women inequality through her writings and activism. The passion for women’s rights and feminism has directed her to pursue her Master’s Degree in […]
Mayna Patel
Mayna Ramesh Patel has come full circle in AWAM. From being an intern in AWAM in 2016, to being a member and an Exco member in 2017. Now she has joined AWAM staff as AWAM’s Services Program Officer. Growing up noticing patriarchal practices by the society, Mayna knew that the way forward for the society […]
Tasha Prabha
Tasha is an energetic feminist who is currently reading psychology at Taylor University. Tasha is driven by her strong passion to mark the world in her own unique style. Hailing from a family driven by girl-power, working in an all-women fitness studio was a natural choice when she became a Jazzercise coach. This and society-backed […]
Betty Yeoh
Betty Yeoh is one of the founding members of All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) in 1988. A past Vice-President of AWAM, she has remained as a member to this day. Betty is a key trainer/facilitator for AWAM, her main focus being on combating sexual harassment, especially at the workplace for corporate sectors, institutions of higher […]
Lochna Menon
Lochna understands that every person is on a personal quest towards making a meaningful existence. A strong believer that strength and power comes in many forms, Lochna is a passionate advocate for women’s human rights (WHR) and feminism. The lure in human rights and feminism, she says, lies in the idea of transformation. “Everyone has […]
Rabiatul (Ruby) Yusoff
Rabiatul Adawiyah Yusoff or Ruby, as she prefers to be called, has been involved in the women’s rights movement in Malaysia since her university years. Born and bred in a middle-class family in the northern state of Kelantan, she has been working as an educator in a private institution in Kuala Lumpur. A law graduate, she is […]
Christabel Mary Divya
Christabel Mary Divya, or Belle as she likes to called, is a strong advocate on women’s human rights (WHR) and feminism in Malaysia. Currently, Belle is completing her final year as a psychology student at the Herriot-Watt University. Formerly an intern-turned-member of AWAM, Belle has already been part of two trainings pertaining to gender-based violence […]
When Gender Diversity Makes Firms More Productive
Acknowledgements: This post is a reproduction of the original article posted on the Harvard Business Review on February 11, 2019, titled ‘Research: When Gender Diversity Makes Firms More Productive’. The link to the original article can be found here: The business world has long debated the effect of gender diversity on business outcomes. […]
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