30 APRIL 2021
We, civil society and political organizations, wish to highlight several critical issues related to the Royal Malaysian police, as follows:
1. We are horrified by Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador’s claim, during an interview with Sinar Harian1 on 18 March 2021, that a cartel in cahoots with criminals is operating within the police force, and that the police force must be urgently cleansed from the influence of the cartel. This is the first time in modern history that the Chief Police Officer of our nation has openly made such a claim.
2. That claim was followed by another revelation by the IGP about the leakage of confidential information2 during Operation Pelican 3.0. The leakage resulted in failure of the police to apprehend the alleged head of the largest money laundering operation in Malaysia, Datuk Seri Nicky Liow. The IGP added that 34 persons are implicated, and that the majority are police officers, including senior police officers. This is a huge and significant number.
3. On 10 April 2021, the IGP3 publicly revealed that transfers of police officers ordered by him were suspended by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin. The IGP’s original order called for transfers, on 12 April 2021, of 71 senior police officers including state Chief Police Officers. The IGP said the Home Minister suspended the transfers while the IGP himself was on leave. The claims and revelations by the IGP clearly show that his orders were not followed. In other words, his orders were sabotaged, overturned, or compromised. The IGP said plainly that under the law, as Inspector General of Police, he is responsible for Command and Control of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM).
4. On 12 April, Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin denied4 that he had interfered in the transfers as Home Minister but added that suspension of the transfers was based on a majority voice of a meeting of the Police Commission (SPP), which he chairs. Hence, he did not deny his involvement in the suspension. Further, he indicated that the majority of the Police Commission do not support the transfers of senior police officers ordered by the IGP. Does this mean the IGP’s goal of cleansing PDRM before he retires cannot be acted upon? Does this mean the majority of the police officers whose transfers the IGP ordered have the backing of other parties such as members of the Police Commission?
5. On 15 April, the IGP claimed that the Department of Integrity and Standards (JIPS) is sheltering certain officers who are under investigation, while Datuk Ayob Khan, the Chief Police Officer of Johor, said he would not submit names of police officers to JIPS for investigation. When the Inspector General of Police and the Chief Police Officer of a state share mistrust of JIPS, it is clear that JIPS cannot effectively discharge its responsibilities. This is not only worrying. This is a clear, open declaration that JIPS is unable to function or is controlled by the cartel.
Based on the statements and claims, we can conclude the following:
i. Actions have been initiated to cause the Inspector General of Police to fail in discharging his duties, to such an extent that the IGP himself has had to announce that the police force must be cleansed from the activities of an internal cartel which is in cahoots with criminals.
ii. The Police Commission, chaired by the Home Minister, has interfered in the exercise by the Inspector General of Police of his powers and prerogatives to transfer officers.
iii. The Department of Integrity and Standards, JIPS, is unable to carry out its duties in a free, fair and effective manner.
Hamid Bador’s contract ends on 30 April 2021 (today). His contract was not renewed, despite his clear expression of desire to continue in office. He was appointed IGP as part of the government’s efforts to reform the police force and its administration. During his two years of service, the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) was not established, However, his revelations about the operation of a cartel in the Royal Malaysian Police has shocked the public. Indeed, public opinion is that he has tried to take brave actions to cleanse PDRM.
Hence, we, the signatories of this memorandum, demand the following:
1. An Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), with the spirit and powers of the IPCMC proposed in 2005, must be established urgently and empowered. An IPCMC is the best medicine to address the problems of corruption, abuse of power and criminal practices in PDRM. An IPCMC will save PDRM. One of its fruits will be police personnel who will discharge their duties with sincerity and integrity. An IPCMC will restore public confidence in PDRM which is tainted with accusations of abuse of power, selective enforcement and now, of being controlled by a cartel.
2. The names of all persons who have been linked to the cartel must not be put forward as replacements for the IGP or for any positions in PDRM.
3. All persons who come forward to give information (whistle-blowers) about officers who engage in corrupt practices or criminal acts must be given shelter and protection because they are exposed to threats and actions by criminals, including those in uniform.
4. Will this IGP’s efforts to cleanse PDRM continue, now that his service is ended through non-renewal of his contract? Will his replacements continue the efforts he leaves unfinished? Or will we see the return and rise to high office of those whom this IGP has claimed are collaborators of criminals? If the eviction of the cartel from PDRM is not continued, we are deeply concerned that the decline of PDRM will remain unarrested, and reform efforts which have been initiated will be stalled.
5. A process to select the IGP and the Deputy IGP must be established. The process must be reformed to meet the criteria of transparency, integrity and reliability. The Police Commission must also be reformed, so that it reflects and assures a police force which is professional and fair towards good and upright members of PDRM.
PDRM belongs to the citizens of Malaysia. PDRM is an institution which is vital. It is vital not only for securing public order and safety, but also for the pursuit of justice, protection of our democracy and assuring the human rights of everyone. Following the news lately makes us thirst for a police force which demonstrates professionalism, integrity, freedom from interference, and lack of bias. We will support all efforts, regardless of who initiates or promotes them – including the IGP – to ensure that good principles and values are established, because this is in the best interest of our nation.
This statement is endorsed by the following organisations:
1. SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia)
2. CAGED (Citizens Against Enforced Disappearances)
3. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
4. ALIRAN (Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara)
5. MAJU (Malaysian Action for Justice and Unity)
6. PROHAM (Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia)
7. CIJ (Centre for Independent Journalism)
8. C4 Center (Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism)
9. Beyond Borders Malaysia
11. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (PSWS)
12. EMPOWER Malaysia
13. GERAK (Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia)
14. SABM (Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia)
15. PATRIOT (Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan)
16. BERSIH 2.0
17. Pusat KOMAS
18. All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)