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Telenita Helpline
AWAM provides services tailored to address the immediate needs of survivors of violence. There are two types of services that we provide:
gender-based violence, and - FREE LEGAL INFORMATION based on the survivor’s unique circumstances
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Answering Common Questions
Do you have questions about our services?
Here are some frequently-asked questions about our services – particularly on PRIVACY, who can become our CLIENTS (are men included?) and more.
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Directory of Services
To victims and survivors outside the Klang Valley (Lembah Klang), here is a list of service providers that can help.
- One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC)
- Legal Aid
- Free and Affordable Mental Health Services
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[button text=”domestic violence” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://www.awam.org.my/domestic-violence/”]
[button text=”sexual harassment” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://www.awam.org.my/resources-2/sexual-harassment/”]
[button text=”Sexual Assault” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://www.awam.org.my/resources-2/sexual-assault/”]
[button text=”Rape” color=”white” radius=”99″ link=”https://www.awam.org.my/resources-2/rape/”]
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If you have any further questions or you would like to book an appointment, send your queries to telenita@awam.org.my or call/text at 016-2374221 / 016-2284221