Frequently-Asked Questions

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Do you have questions about our services?
Here are some of the commonly asked questions.


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[accordion-item title=”What services do you provide to survivors?”]

We provide legal information and counselling services to survivors. These services are available physically, online and via our Telenita helpline. Nevertheless, in light of the pandemic and movement restrictions, our services are currently only available online and via our Telenita helpline. 

We also do referrals for clients whose situations can be better addressed by other organisations or agencies, including but not limited to: seeking shelters, family therapy and legal representation. 

[accordion-item title=”For which issues can I reach out to your services?”]

We deal with cases and/or enquiries of: gender-based violence, such as domestic violence, sexual harassment (physical and online), rape, attempted rape, sexual assault; intimate partner violence; harassment; mental health; divorce; child abuse; other relationship issues; financial issues etc.

[accordion-item title=”Are these services only for Malaysians?”]

No, these services are for all, both Malaysians and non-Malaysians. Nevertheless, for cases that do not fall within our areas of work or expertise, we refer them to other organisations. For example, a refugee came to our office to request for financial aid, whom we referred to MyCARE, a non-profit that provides some financial assistance to refugees on a case-by-case basis. 

[accordion-item title=”Are these services for women only?”]

No. We help all survivors regardless of gender identity, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, geographical location, income, ability, or status. 

[accordion-item title=”Are these services free?”]

Yes, completely free of charge.

[accordion-item title=”Are your services confidential?”]

Yes, our services are strictly confidential.

[accordion-item title=”What languages do you speak?”]

We are able to provide services in English and Malay and, by appointment, in Mandarin and Tamil.

[accordion-item title=”Can I use your services again (physically or via Telenita), if I have used them before?”]

Yes, you can.

[accordion-item title=”Do I need to make appointments for your services?”]

For our currently online legal information services, you do not need to. In fact, you can make direct calls, call or text via WhatsApp or Telegram at either of our Telenita helpline numbers: 016-2374221 or 016-2284221. You can also email us at

For our currently online counselling services, you can make appointments through the same means.



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[accordion-item title=”Does AWAM have a shelter?”]

No, we do not have a shelter. Should our client require shelter, we refer them to Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) or the Social Welfare Department (JKM). To get in touch with JKM, we will ask the clients to directly contact Talian Kasih (15999). We would also clarify with our client that WAO has their own criteria when taking in clients. In addition, we also refer our clients to other homes, and clients are encouraged to make the calls themselves. 

[accordion-item title=”Does AWAM provide services for child sexual abuse?”]

We would refer those cases to the Social Welfare Department. Clients will be informed to call Talian Kasih (15999). Alternatively, we would provide information about or refer clients to child rights organisations, such as Protect and Save the Children or Childline Foundation.

[accordion-item title=”Who provides legal information services?”]

Usually, AWAM works in collaboration with the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Legal Aid Centre, to provide us with aspiring future lawyers to provide free legal information. These aspiring lawyers, also known as ‘chambering pupils’, are attached to AWAM’s Legal Aid Centre for 14 days, over a period of 3 months.

We have not been receiving chambering pupils since the pandemic began last year. Currently, our legal volunteers, consisting of pro-bono lawyers, provide these free legal information services.

[accordion-item title=”Do you provide legal advice and representation?”]

We do not provide legal representation. For such cases, we will ask clients to reach out to legal aid centres that are nearest to them.

We only provide legal information services, which are free. Currently, our legal volunteers, consisting of pro-bono lawyers, provide these services.

[accordion-item title=”Who provides counselling services?”]

AWAM’s counselling services are provided by intern counsellors who are pursuing their practicum in their Master’s in Counselling. 

[accordion-item title=”Can I walk in for counselling?”]

No, our counselling services are currently only provided online, due to the pandemic and movement restrictions. You can book appointments with us for online counselling sessions by calling/texting (directly, WhatsApp or Telegram) our Telenita helpline numbers (016-2374221 / 016-2284221), or emailing us at

[accordion-item title=”What do I do if I have trouble connecting when I call?”]

We work hard to make sure that everyone can reach us as quickly as possible. You can leave us messages via WhatsApp or Telegram, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are in a medical emergency or suicidal crisis and you cannot connect, please call 999.



Do you have further questions? Please call or text us (direct, WhatsApp or Telegram) at 016-2374221 or 016-2284221, or email us at  


